Jon’s Substack
On the Edge with Jon
The Renaissance Rebel and America’s Dark Underbelly: From Andreas Vesalius to the Sedition Beneath the Surface

The Renaissance Rebel and America’s Dark Underbelly: From Andreas Vesalius to the Sedition Beneath the Surface

In today’s On the Edge episode, we took a journey through time—from the bold defiance of Andreas Vesalius, the father of modern anatomy, to the dark, persistent undercurrents of American extremism that Donald Trump reignited. These two subjects, though seemingly worlds apart, share one common thread: the willingness to challenge the status quo, for better or for worse. Let’s dive deeper into these ideas and explore how both medicine and politics have been shaped by figures unafraid to shake the foundations of their respective fields.

Andreas Vesalius: The Renaissance Rebel Who Changed Medicine Forever

It’s hard to imagine a world where medicine was dictated by flawed teachings that no one dared question, but that’s precisely the world Andreas Vesalius was born into. For over a millennium, the work of Galen, an ancient Greek physician, reigned supreme in the medical field. The problem? Galen had never actually dissected a human body. His observations were based on animals—monkeys and pigs, to be precise. As a result, much of what doctors believed about human anatomy was wrong.

Enter Vesalius, a young anatomist who wasn’t content to sit quietly and let tradition dictate medical knowledge. In the mid-1500s, Vesalius began dissecting human cadavers himself, systematically proving where Galen had gone wrong. It wasn’t just about correcting old mistakes; it was about a radical shift in thinking. Vesalius championed empirical observation over ancient texts. His message? Stop guessing and start investigating.

At a time when religious dogma ruled much of society’s thinking, especially in Europe, Vesalius' work was nothing short of revolutionary. He didn’t just challenge medical ideas—he disrupted the entire system. His groundbreaking book, *De Humani Corporis Fabrica* (On the Fabric of the Human Body), published in 1543, was more than just a medical textbook. It was a work of art. Collaborating with artists from Titian’s studio, Vesalius created detailed, anatomically accurate illustrations of the human body, making his findings accessible to those who couldn’t even read Latin. For the first time, the human body was no longer a mystery locked away in ancient texts; it was something to be observed, studied, and understood.

But, like all great rebels, Vesalius didn’t escape controversy. His public dissections were seen by many as sacrilegious, and his challenge to Galen's teachings put him at odds with both religious and academic authorities. Yet, despite the backlash, Vesalius' work endured, laying the foundation for modern medical science. His legacy lives on today in the very way we study and practice medicine—through direct observation, experimentation, and the relentless pursuit of truth.

The Sedition Beneath the Surface: How Trump Resurrected America’s Darkest Underbelly

Now, fast forward a few hundred years, and we find ourselves in a very different arena—American politics. But just like Vesalius, another figure has emerged who is willing to challenge the status quo, though this time, the consequences have been far more sinister. Donald Trump didn’t just bring chaos to American politics; he tapped into something much deeper, something that’s been lurking beneath the surface of American society for generations.

We often think of history as progress, a linear path where each generation learns from the mistakes of the past. But America’s history of extremism—of xenophobia, racism, and conspiracy theories—has a way of resurfacing when the moment is right. Trump’s rise to power and the MAGA movement are not new; they are the latest manifestation of an undercurrent that has always been there, waiting for the right demagogue to give it a voice.

In the 1930s and 40s, we saw this with the America First Committee (AFC), a movement filled with isolationism, xenophobia, and open sympathy for Nazi ideals. Charles Lindbergh, an American hero, openly admired Hitler, and Henry Ford—a man who revolutionised the automobile industry—used his platform to spread dangerous conspiracies about Jewish world domination. Sound familiar? It should. The rhetoric of fear and hate that fueled the AFC is the same rhetoric Trump tapped into with MAGA.

Back then, antisemitism and xenophobia weren’t fringe ideas—they were mainstream. And today, Trump has resurrected that same playbook. His embrace of conspiracy theories, from Birtherism to QAnon, is nothing more than a rehash of the fear-mongering that has been part of America’s DNA for decades. Trump didn’t invent these ideas, but he gave them a microphone and legitimised them in a way that America hadn’t seen in generations.

And let’s not forget the role of the GOP in all of this. Rather than push back against Trump’s lies, racism, and sexism, the Republican Party embraced it, recognising the political currency in extremism. The racism, the conspiracy theories, the Christian nationalism—it all existed long before Trump. But under his leadership, it’s been brought into the light, embraced by a significant portion of the American population.

Even Christian fanaticism, a cornerstone of the MAGA base, isn’t new. In times of crisis, religious faith in America often turns fanatical. Trump’s evangelical supporters see themselves as warriors in a holy war, reclaiming America as a Christian nation. This isn’t about Jesus—it’s about power. And Trump has given them the space to believe they are on a crusade to save the country, regardless of his moral failings.

The Persistent Threat

What’s perhaps most alarming is that this sentiment—the fear, the hate, the extremism—isn’t going anywhere. America has always struggled to confront its darkest tendencies head-on. It’s easier to hide them beneath the surface, only for them to erupt again when the nation feels insecure. Trump is merely the latest figure to ride this wave, but he won’t be the last.

America’s biggest challenge isn’t Trump himself—it’s reckoning with its own history. Until we confront the sedition that has always existed beneath the polite fabric of American democracy, we’ll continue to repeat this cycle. The names may change, the faces may differ, but the underlying sentiment remains the same.

Looking Ahead

In this episode, we’ve explored two very different figures: Andreas Vesalius, who revolutionised medicine by challenging a millennium of flawed thinking, and Donald Trump, who reignited a movement that taps into America’s darkest tendencies. Both disrupted the status quo, but while one moved society forward, the other has dragged it backward.

As we look to the future, it’s essential to remember that progress isn’t guaranteed. It requires vigilance, self-reflection, and the courage to confront uncomfortable truths—whether in medicine, politics, or our personal lives. I’ll be exploring these themes even further in my upcoming posts on Substack, so make sure to subscribe and stay tuned for more deep dives, personal reflections, and op-eds.

Take care of yourselves, stay curious, and never stop asking questions.

Make sure to catch this week’s episode of On the Edge and subscribe on Substack to stay updated on my latest reflections and deep dives. New content drops every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.

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Jon’s Substack
On the Edge with Jon
Are you ready to dive into the whirlwind of my weeks as a non-fiction writer and blogger? Join me, Jon Biddle, as I peel back the curtain on the chaotic yet exhilarating life of balancing surgical precision with literary creativity.
In this podcast, I'll take you through the highs, the lows, and the unexpected plot twists that define my days. Imagine this: one moment I'm navigating the complexities of a medical thriller, and the next, I'm handling the intricate details of anaesthesia in the operating room. It's a dual life that's as intense as it is rewarding.
But that's not all. 'On the Edge with Jon Biddle' isn't just about the work—it’s about the passion, the struggles, and the triumphs. As a survivor of child abuse, a mental health advocate, a combat veteran, and a dedicated medical professional, my journey is anything but ordinary. Each week, I’ll share raw, unfiltered stories that explore the darkest corners of the human psyche and celebrate the resilience of the human spirit.
Expect candid conversations, behind-the-scenes insights into my writing process, and a dose of dark humour that keeps me sane amidst the chaos. I’ll challenge you to think beyond your realities, question the facts, and perhaps see the world through a different lens.
So, why should you listen? Because my stories aren’t just tales—they're experiences that might shake you to your core. They're narratives that blend the stark reality of the medical field with the gripping suspense of thriller fiction. And through it all, I aim to inspire, provoke thought, and maybe even give you a few laughs along the way.
Tune in to 'On the Edge with Jon Biddle' and let’s embark on this roller coaster ride together. Whether you’re a fan of medical thrillers, a fellow mental health warrior, or someone seeking a peek into the life of a writer who’s lived through it all, this podcast is for you.
So grab your headphones, hit that subscribe button, and prepare to explore the fascinating intersection of medicine and storytelling. Trust me, you won't want to miss a single episode.